So I started to teach to my friends how to knit fishnet bags! It was hard to find a common spare time, that’s way it is not a Project which can be completed in four days. But as the time passes, I believe in that it will be completed.
In the same time I started drawing how to knit fishnet bags. So everybody who will visit my blog page, will be able to learn how to knit fishnet bags. It will make me happy in the future if I see somebody carrying this bagJ
First Step:
We need one small RİNG and STRİNG. That all that we need!
-Take two pieces string (200cm length)
-Do it between 15 and 20 times. It depends of how much big bag do you need.-Tuck them at the middle and reeve them from the ring.
-Than tie a knot.
And make all of those things for each string couple.
Second Step:
-Tie a knot between strings group.
-You should do that until you got enough size for your bag.Third Step :
-When you catch the enough big size, just tie a knot with the end of strings to have a handhold.
-And you can start to use it, you will not need plastic bags anymore!!!
to be continued...
Hi Merve, I like your photos and the relaxing natural colors. I will try your idea. I would recommend you to change the language of your blog interface may be you will get more comments. :)) I guessed that yorum means comment. :) Good luck. Now I do have to guess what means post. Yayinla or Onizleme