Blog Archive

Sunday, March 25, 2012


The list of improvments which I can promote on mine surroundings:
* Let’s do not use plastic bags!
* Let’s do traveling with horses, sailing ships…
* Let’s leave the cities and recognize our nature, she’s amazing..
* Let’s use the natural energy sources (The Egyptian people found the way. Why we can’t do?)

And I decided to start with ‘Plastic Bag Problem’. It is the easiest one to put into practice because of my current situation. As you know I knited one fishnet bag  for myself to use it instead of plastic bag. It was First Step!

Second Step!

I will promote this idea around of me. And I have realy good situation for to make this real. Because the place that I am living is has a crowd human circulation. It’s a big opportunity to reach the lots of people. In addition that people who are coming here for holiday and climbing, most of them interesting about kniting something. If I start to teach them how to knit ‘fishnet bag’, they will definitly start to knit for theirself. Then butterfly effect gonna be start!
And day by day it can be in fashion!

Third Step!

Furthermore I can draw some diagrams about how to knit ‘fishnet bag’ and I can publish on internet. By this mean I can reach lots of people who are connected with me by network.

Expected Result!

After a while a score of people will stop to use plastic bags, as it was before! Maybe it can take hundreds of years even thought it will be better than make no move!

Because if we don’t move, plastic wastes will live more than us. It s mean even we die our garbage will keep to give harm to mother earth automatically  to ourself!
So we can imagine two different future for hunderds years later,
First; don’t care and live in the garbage!
Second;Let’s move right now and live in the heaven!

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